The Female Veteran Podcast Episode
"Only Through The Friction Of That Can You Find A New Path Forward" Author Alicia Dill Shares Her Experience In The Army National Guard

Crime Beat Radio - Interview with Ron Chepesiuk
Ron interviews Alicia about Beyond Sacrifice and her background as an Army soldier, journalist and author.
The Brook Reading Podcast - Interview with Melissa
Melissa interviews Alicia about Beyond Sacrifice and gives readers a chapter by chapter synopsis to entice potential readers. No ending spoilers!
In the Talk of Iowa IPR interview, Alicia speaks with Charity Nebbe about Squared Away and what it means to be a female veteran. Click link above to hear it.
In 2013, Alicia was interviewed by KCRG-TV9 about her Army experience and the historic decision for women in combat roles.

Army Wives Network Show
How much is too much? Soldiers often come home from a deployment and want to go back. They give so much of themselves to a country and may not know when to say “I’ve given enough”. This is a major theme in the book Beyond Sacrifice.
Don’t you love the imperfect hero – the character where you can see bits of yourself in them? Alicia Dill enjoys writing characters that are both protagonists and antagonist. Because in reality – we are all a bit of both.
- Episode 897
Writer's Block - LA TALK RADIO
Richard and Bobbi Jean's interview with writer Alicia Dill was fun, informative and interesting. The team did a great job of covering the void left by me when I took the night off. Give a listen right here!!!

Women of the Military Podcast
"Joining the Army While Still in High School - Episode 43

Stories that Empower Podcast
Writing against the odds- Episode 266
​After leaving the Army as a journalist, where she wrote others’ stories, Alicia lost her way as a writer. She rediscovered her love of writing. Alicia decided to writer her own stories, where she no longer felt constrained by the rules of journalism. She shares the following nuggets of life wisdom:
– we have so many tools in our toolkits to write our novels
– if you can’t find what you want to read, you can write it yourself
– there’s no one way to start something
– if you can break through your mental limitations, then you can do anything
– if time is an issue, then set a timer to write a little each day
– take that first step
– small steps will yield results